Continuing Tales

The Ties that Bind

A Sailor Moon Story
by Firefly-shy

Part 6 of 30

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The Ties that Bind

Mina was awakened by the sound of her phone blaring the theme to Mission Impossible in her ear. She opened sluggish eyes and rolled around until she found the phone, rolled back onto her side and placed the phone near her ear - still only half awake.

"Moshi -"


"Usa-chan?" Mina's voice was scratchy and cracked.

"You've got to come to Mamoru's apartment right now!" the other girl called, sounding frantic.

Mina pushed herself up, forcing her eyes to open.

"What's wrong?" she demanded.

"I don't know - Mamo-chan's sick, I think. I want to take him to the hospital but he won't go."

Her sleepiness instantly disappeared. Bolting up off the futon mattress she tripped over Makoto's sprawled legs and just stopped herself from falling on top of Ami.

"I'll be there in a minute, Usa-chan," she panted, "Just don't panic."

Throwing her phone into her bag she didn't hear Usagi's garbled reply. Mina bent over the blue haired girl and shook her roughly awake. Ami blinked at the blond blur above her.

"Is it an earthquake?" she asked.

"No, something worse, come on."

Ami yelped as Mina grabbed her blanket and dumped her off of the futon.

Nolan rubbed his eyes, stifling a yawn. He glared blearily at the clock and saw that it was much later than he'd thought. And yet he felt as if he hadn't slept at all - he'd been troubled by dreams - very unusual dreams.

The memory of deep green eyes hovered just behind his eye lids when he blinked. He shook his head and sat up, stretching.

He realized then, that his clock alarm hadn't woken him - he had just suddenly felt as if he needed to get up. Not understanding this tugging feeling, but deciding to follow it anyway, he got up quickly, got dressed and starting walking down the stairs where he found Jaden already finishing breakfast, and dressed for the gym.

"I didn't know you went to the gym in the morning," Nolan said.

"I don't," Jade replied, "But then since when did you ever get up on a Sunday morning before three?"

"Good point."

They both heard a scrambling noise from the guest bedroom and soon saw a freshly dressed and groomed Zoe come bounding into the room. He blinked when he saw them.

"I didn't expect -" he began.

"Neither did we." Jade interrupted, "Does anyone else have a strange feeling that we should be walking toward Tokyo Hospital right now?"

Nolan and Zoe exchanged glances, then stood, not bothering with breakfast.

"Tokyo General it is," Jade quipped. He only paused to grab his car keys as all three men rushed out of the house.

Mina helped Mamoru walk into the emergency room of Tokyo Hospital. Ami followed closely behind them, trying to keep Usagi calm. As they made their way to the front desk, Ami took over, leaving Usagi to hover anxiously around Mina and Mamoru.

"I have a twenty-four year old male with intense headaches, some nausea and minimal vomiting," Ami told the surprised nurse, "No signs of internal damage of any kind, or external for that matter. He has not been involved in an accident to our knowledge."

She turned to Usagi who nodded.

"He didn't feel good yesterday, " she gasped, "And he took some pain medicine before bed, but this morning I couldn't help him up -"

Mamoru gave a low moan, and the nurse lifted his head to get a clear look in his eyes.

"Just take him through those doors," she pointed behind her, handing a clip board to Ami as she seemed the most competent of the four of them.

Mina grunted her thanks and tightened her grip around Mamoru's chest, helping him to shuffle into the back rooms. Usagi and Ami followed behind them.

Helping Mamoru onto the padded table they waited for the doctor to enter. Mina stood, arms crossed, looking as though she was ready to command a score of troupes to attack - but she wasn't quite sure who to attack. Ami simply continued to check on Mamoru and calm Usagi, who was crying quietly, but profusely beside him.

"Should we let the others know where we are?" Ami asked, after a moment.

"I left them a message," Mina replied, "I don't see any need to wake them at the moment. They looked as exhausted as I feel."

"I'll second that," Ami muttered, rubbing a hand over her eyes.

"What were you guys up to last night?" Usagi sniffed, trying to take her mind of worrying about Mamoru.

"Dreaming," Mina answered.

At the same time Ami said, "Weird dreams."

They paused and looked at each other in surprise.

"What...did you dream about?" Usagi asked, looking from one to the other.

"I dreamed about...the past, I think," Mina began, "About the Silver Millennium and Earth...and you, when you were a princess."

"I didn't know you remembered that," Usagi answered, surprised.

"I don't exactly, "Mina said, frowning in confusion, and giving a questioning glance to Ami.

Ami shrugged, saying, "I think my dreams were also of the Silver Millennium - it's hard to remember them clearly but every time I woke up and went back to sleep the dreams would start again. Never the same, but always the same theme."

They all turned to look at Mamoru as he gave another moan and murmured something. Usagi leaned closer to listen.

"I," she blinked, looking at the other two, "Did he just say 'Kunzite'?"

Mina and Ami leaned down immediately to hear him.

"Don't..." he mumbled, his face wincing, "Kunz..."

Mina looked at Ami, both of their faces shocked and very confused.

"I think he did," Ami answered, "But why -"

"He must be dreaming," Mina reasoned, her brow clearing, "That's it."

'He's having a nightmare," Usagi whimpered, "Poor Mamo-chan."

She took his hand and patted it. Fortunately the doctor arrived a moment later and began to examine Mamoru thoroughly. When she was finished she took the charts Ami had filled out on Mamoru's behalf and studied them with a puzzled expression.

"There doesn't seem to be anything the matter with Chiba-san," she explained, "At least, from what I can tell. Perhaps the lab results will tell us more."

She left them abruptly. Mina sighed, and flinched when she heard a low growl. Usagi blushed.

"I forgot to eat breakfast," she confessed. Mina smiled and tugged her shoulder.

"Let's go get something, then, Ami can stay here and watch Mamoru."

Reluctantly Usagi agreed to leave with her, and Ami settled down to watch the pale young man.

"Kunz," he whispered after a moment, "Kunz I can't...find you..."

Ami crept closer and took his hand in her cold one, trying to sooth him and he seemed to relax for a moment or two. As she watched his face her mind began to wonder back to those strange dreams she had last night...and the young man who'd figured so prominently in them.

Jade skidded to an awkward halt on the squeaky floor of the hospital. Before him a silver-haired man in a grey running suit with a black nano strapped to his muscular bicep, lifted his head and met Jade's eyes with surprise.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you again this soon, Mr. Izumi," Konnor said.

"Why are you here?" Jade asked, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. Behind him he heard Nolan take a quick breath as he caught sight of the assistant Consulate member.

Konnor stood slowly, noticing Nolan and Zoe behind Jade. Finally he shrugged.

"I'm not exactly sure," he said, slowly, "Would you think me unreasonable if I said I had a feeling I needed to be here?"

"We felt the same way," Nolan volunteered, coming to stand in front of Jade. He offered a hand to Konnor, who shook it in a friendly manner.

"This is whacked," Zoe commented.

"Undoubtedly," Konnor noted. Jade decided that perhaps he did like the grim visaged consulate assistant, if only a little.

"Well, I'm glad we all seem to share a paranormal bond," he commented, "But does anyone have any idea where we're supposed to be?"

"I can't profess any exact knowledge," Konnor said, "But if my intuition is correct, and it usually is -"

Jade rolled his eyes.

"Then I'd say perhaps the fourth floor might be a good place to look."

Jade looked at the other two who shrugged.

"I have no idea what we're doing," Zoe informed him, "So if he thinks we should go to the fourth floor - the why not?"

"Thank you for your confidence," Konnor said, eying the younger man with irony. Zoe controlled the urge to gulp, having not quite overcome his fear of the imposing consul.

"Ok, we're right behind you fearless leader. "

Jade motioned for Konnor to proceed him. Konnor raised one eyebrow but let the comment pass.

He turned, unconsiously assuming an almost natural air of command, and led the way to the elevators as the three men followed him for reasons none of them understood.

When Makoto woke it was already twelve in the afternoon, and she felt as if she'd never slept at all. She turned over and saw that Rei had also just woken and was gazing around her with a dazed expression that must have been on Makoto's face as well.

"Troubled sleep?" Makoto asked, her voice husky.

Rei nodded, then frowned.

"More like bad dreams," she replied, yawning. Then she caught sight of the clock and jumped out of bed with a screech.

"The shrine should have opened hours ago!" She yelled, flinging the bed clothes through the room and scrambling to find her things.

"Uh, hold on a minute, Rei -"

The tone of Makoto's voice alerted Rei and she stopped to look at the other girl who had her phone to her ear. With a worried grunt she snapped it shut.

"Mina and Ami are at the hospital with Mamoru."

Rei's face paled, but Makoto answered her look;

"I think he's alright, just not feeling well - otherwise she would have taken us with her."

"Stupid blond," Rei muttered, "She should have regardless."

"No time to worry about that, let's go," Makoto suggested.

Both began searching for their coats. The vague impressions of their dreams seemed to hang over their minds like cobwebs, ready to be swept away by the real world.

"Is this it?" Nolan asked, peering around the hall. They were all four standing outside a hospital room with the blinds discreetly drawn.

"I have to tell you this is possibly the weirdest thing I've ever done," Zoe spoke up, "Even weirder than being arrested for drug smuggling."

Konnor's lips twitched, but his face was more than usually stern as he glanced at the name on the door.

"Chiba?" He murmured, trying to place it.

"I don't know anyone by that name," Jade said. Nolan and Zoe shook their heads.

Konnor sighed. He wasn't usually a man to follow his impulses, but he knew the value of instincts, and this compulsion was more than a simple feeling. It was almost a need to be inside the room. For better or worse he decided to act on it.

He knocked gently on the door frame, and when he heard no answer, he took a small step into the room. The others were right behind him.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

He heard what he thought was a low, muffled moan, but couldn't see anyone other than a dark haired man lying on a bed.

"Excuse me," he said again, stepping fully into the room. He gave an involuntary gasp as he saw the man on the bed. A wave of recognition hit him with such force that it left him dizzy.

"I know this guy," Zoe whispered, his eyes wide. He ran past Konnor before the other man could stop him, and halted just beside the bed, looking down at the sleeping figure with shock.

"I don't know how I know him," he went on, "But I do."

Nolan was the next to push past Konnor and approach the bed. He stared down at the pale face and dark hair. The young man's eyes were closed as if in pain and he let out a low moan periodically.

"Blue eyes," he surprised himself by saying: "He has blue eyes. But how could -"

"Dark blue," Zoe nodded, still staring, "Like the darkest part of the ocean."

Jade walked silently to join them, Konnor following in his wake. They stood at the foot of the bed and gazed at the patient.

"He never shouts," Jade said, his face thoughtful, "Unless he's very angry."

"He always forgets to watch his left flank," Konnor murmured, "He let's his guard down."

They all looked at one another in astonishment, feeling a sudden and undeniable sense of connection. Zoe inadvertently brushed Mamoru's arm with his hand and Mamoru gave a quiet cry.

"Shitennou," he called hoarsely, his eyes suddenly opened. It nearly scared them to death.

A strange surge of power surrounded them in that moment, and miles away the stones in Mamoru's desk drawer began to glow, tremble and split.

His eyes blinking wildly, Mamoru gaped at something none of them could see, but they were all too riveted on his face to look away.

"Zoisite, Jadeite, Nephrite!" he yelled.


As he spoke the names, the men flinched in sudden pain - their minds began to swirl as the power surged through them and filled them to overflowing. The stones in Mamoru's apartment trembled violently, and then with a flash, they disintegrated into a fine dust and a blinding light. The men lost consciousness even as a barrage of images, sounds and feelings bombarded their senses. The room was suddenly silent.

Konnor was the first to recover; finding himself on the floor, he stood slowly, using the bed railing to help himself, and shook his head.

Meeting Mamoru's calm blue eyes, he nearly fell forward again.

"My liege?" he breathed.

When the pain had ceased enough that Mamoru could focus his eyes, his first thought had been for Usagi. But when he saw four faces peering at him from somewhere above his head, he was too surprised to say her name.

Silver, deep and light blue, and mint green eyes met his gaze - shocked and stunned faces. And his mind supplied names for them.

"Kunzite," he said, "Nephrite, Jadeite, Zoisite."

Then men bowed as one. As they rose, he searched their faces and found that his mind supplied him with memories and emotions to go with each and every feature.

The stern faced man was associated with a variety of experiences, most martial in nature - sword exercises - lectures, even occasional punishments - and also with unexpected tenderness, a sense of protection and security - and support.

The dark haired man beside him brought back snatches of long, philosophical discussions and private dreams, as well as a sense of mystery - and a quiet and deep loyalty and understanding.

The mocking blue eyes conjured up numerous occasions of verbal sparring and a fierce brotherly sense of competition - he felt a bittersweet happiness when he noted the smile - sardonic but honest - a smile that had gotten him out of trouble more times than he could recall, usually at its owner's expense.

And finally, the green-eyed man who stared at him - there was a feeling of protectiveness toward him, and of comradeship. Memories of pranks, jokes and forrays into unkown adventures accompanied this man, who was still very much a boy, though not quite as innoccent as he looked.

Mamoru sighed. Because along with these memories were darker ones - memories filled with pain, bitterness and betrayal. Though he'd forgiven the past, it was still there. And he had to be sure...

As if in answer to his thoughts, there was a sudden shriek.

The four men turned as one to face the intruder, their arms flung out protectively, their weapons drawn.

Ami spat out one word before transforming into Sailor Mercury in front of them:


From the Hospital cafeteria, Mina felt Ami's call and saw her communicator go off. Jerking Usagi and her half-eaten hamburger behind her, Mina pelted out of the cafeteria and into the elevator where she transformed into Venus without any explanation.

Usagi gulped down the last of her hamburger and shouted a muffled phrase as she too transformed.

"Is it Mamo-chan?" she asked, when she could. They raced through the halls to the fourth floor.

"I don't know," Venus answered, "But Mercury's all alone with him."

As she and Moon rounded the corner, sending hospital staff flying for cover, they nearly missed the room door.

"Hold it right there!" Venus began, leaping into the room, ready for anything.

Anything except what was right in front of her.

"How in the name of Aphrodite's Girdle!" she shouted, flinging Moon behind her and summoning her chain.

"They just appeared out of nowhere!" Mercury cried, her computer and visor already out and at the ready.


Venus and Zoisite had spoken at the same time.

"Venus, stop!" Mamoru called, weakly. He still felt dizzy but his strength was coming back to him quickly. Nephrite bent to put an arm around him and help him up.

"Don't touch him!" Venus ordered, wickedly whipping her chain back over her head.

"Stand down!" Kunzite commanded, his face grim.

Venus' eyes sparkled furiosly at the tone of superiority she heard in his voice.

"I don't know what you're doing here," she said between clenched teeth, "But if you think you're going to kidnap the Prince, you are sadly mistaken."

"Kidnap the prince?" Zoisite repeated, "What on Earth is she talking about?"

"You accuse us of kidnapping our own prince?" Jadeite asked.

"Your prince?" Mercury repeated, bewildered.

"Just don't hurt him!" Moon cried, breaking past Venus and stretching a pleading hand toward Nephrite. Her sincerity caught him off guard and he all but gaped at her.

"I would never hurt the heir to the throne," he informed her, heatedly, "He is my liege and my brother in arms."

"Everyone calm down!" Mamoru commanded, strength returning to his voice and making it into a command.

Everyone froze, Venus and Mercury eying the men suspiciously, and the men watching all of them warily.

"Let me go, please," Mamoru asked Nephrite, who instantly complied, regardless of his own wishes. Standing stiffly, but determinedly, Mamoru made his way across the room to enfold Moon into his embrace - to the great astonishment of the newly awakened Shitennou.

"It's alright," he murmured, hugging her tight, "I'm alright. And you don't have to fear them," he added for the benefit of Mercury and Venus.

Venus nearly face-vaulted.

"Don't have to fear them?" she repeated in disbelief, "Maybe you haven't come to yet, but they are the bad guys!"

"Don't talk to Endymion that way!" Zosisite snapped, angrily.

Venus hissed at him and he was barely restrained by Nephrite's heavy arm from leaping at her. Mercury glanced from one group to another and started to analyze her computer reading.

"I'm trying to tell you," Mamoru started, patiently, "That things aren't exactly as they seem."

"Yes," Kunzite commented, not taking his eyes off of Venus' chain, "Please do explain, sire."

"The truth is -" Mamoru began.

"Holy Fires of Hades!"

"Duck!" Kunzite commanded and suited his actions to his words by jumping on top of both Mamoru and Moon and pulling them to the floor as a giant fire blasted past the Shitennou's heads and destroyed the window.

"Get your hands off of them!" a voice thundered, and a flash of lighting struck out of the clear blue sky just outside the window. The Shitennou jumped to their feet and drew their swords.

Mamoru quickly threw Kunzite's arm off of him and half pulled Moon up from the floor. By this point he had nearly lost his temper. He gazed at the Shitennou and Senshi - all four women clumped tightly together and staring with mixed expressions of shock and fury at the Shitennou who stared back with clear anger and distrust.

Before the slaughter could commence he took Moon's hand and summoned the most regal tone he could:

"As your King, I order you to stop."

Recognizing the power in his stance, the Senshi and Shitennou backed away from one another.

The Shitennou sheathed their swords, warily, and stood at ease with their hands behind their backs, waiting for Mamoru's next command. The Senshi simply lowered their hands and kept a sharp eye on Sailor Moon.

"Now, as I was trying to explain," he said, "Things are not as they appear to be."

"I see four men who are supposed to be dead," Mars commented, her voice deadly quiet, "Is there an explanation for that?"

"Yeah, why are Beryl's Generals here?" Jupiter spat.

Nephrite flinched.

"Beryl's Generals?" he asked, glancing at Mamoru.

"You think we're working for Beryl?" Jadeite demanded, his mouth a thin, hard line.

"That's insane."

Mars' eyes widened in fury and his sneer deepened.

"Clearly, the Senshi are confused," Kunzite spoke, calmly, "They have mistaken us for someone else."

The Ties that Bind

A Sailor Moon Story
by Firefly-shy

Part 6 of 30

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